Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Feeling a bit out of touch . . .

I've been thinking about the new knitters that I meet and realizing that I'm not really meeting any. I love the joy of someone who is learning to knit. The light in his/her eyes. It renews my own love of the craft. And I haven't felt it lately.

Talking to my BFF I realized why. "Well, you don't teach beginners anymore!"

True. I gave all the classes to another teacher for a reason that escapes me now. No problem. I'm just going to offer some classes and see what happens.

I do get so much positive energy from all my students, but newbies are special. If you have a friend who wants a class, point them my way. I could use a little of their joy. Or maybe just spend a little time thinking about how and when you learned to knit. If possible, write your teacher a thank you note. Give her/him a bit of joy.

Mondays, May 4, 11, 18 at 6-7:30 pm, $45, at Charlotte Yarn. I love to teach when the shop is closed and we get to do some private shopping.


I think it is time to move the blog to I love It is so easy and I've had very little problems with the blog. It's just that I want to make the blog the homepage for my jpknits website and my mentor says wordpress is the way to do it.

I would like to add more articles and tutorials to the site and keep them very convenient for you. Seems sensible to combine. Mentor is coming over in early May and we will make the switch then. Just thought I'd give you a heads up. You'll be forwarded over and then you can change your feed.

To check my progress and to, please, offer suggestions go to new site

1 comment:

turtlegirl76 said...

So is that a beginning knitter class on Monday nights? Cool! Everyone learns differently and there should be a chance to learn from a different teacher.