Stitches Prizes
We went to the student banquet. I do hope you saw the flowers in yesterday's blog. akabini has even better pics on her blog.
Each ticket to the banquet had a number, so I had two chances to win at the beginning. Then Bill found a ticket on the floor and couldn't find the owner, so I got that one. As the drawing started, we looked around and saw that a tablemate eligible for a prize had left early, but left her ticket for us. By then, I was the only one at the table not employed by XRX, so I got that one. Surely I would win something --- and I did.
First I won Margaret Fisher's new book about detailed techniques to make or break a sweater.
She has taught this course for years, so I will be interested to read for any tricks or tips I might not know.A LYS from Dalton, Ga., gave away a $25 gift certificate so I went by the booth on Sunday morning and Steve (who sneaked in with a Staff nametag that said his name was Gay) picked out a pair of socks. Louet Gem Merino.
After all the drawings at the banquet, each table was given a bag of goodies. Instructions were given as to how to hand them out, ex, Give to the third person on your right. Gay and I were the only ones left at our table. I made her take some Malabrigo and some ArtYarn and she made me take the rest.
1. The Guy Knits book in the first picture. Since I already have these patterns in my Knitter's mag archive, I will be giving this to the guild for a door prize.
2. A sock kit from Cascade to make some summer socks.
3. A handmade shawl pin--don't know who created this.
4. A pattern book and the Mission Fall 1824 cotton to make the cute hat on the front. The guild may get this one also. Yarn is not my or my daughter's color.
5. And my favorite gift--a kit from ArtFelt. We stopped by the booth on Sunday and Marcy gave me a very detailed lesson. You don't use a washing machine!!!!!! It's all done in the dryer. I can't wait to try this. One of the big secrets is the base paper to hold the fiber until it is felted . . . . .
Potato Starch Paper----available through their distributors.
I have all kinds of new things to try now. Just need some time.
PS--Thanks to all the vendors who supported this event. I've read some griping on line about some, but I just met with genuine helpfulness everywhere I stopped. I am looking forward to next year.